
BYOT and Touchless Tech

May 19, 2021

You’ve heard of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in the workplace, but have you heard of Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT)?

The COVID-19 pandemic made everyone hyper-aware of shared surfaces and how they play a part in spreading illness. Consequently, society has gotten smart and come up with inventive ways to limit touchpoints in schools and businesses.

Enter: touchless tech. What started as a nice perk quickly became standard operating practice as schools and businesses re-opened after the COVID-19 shutdowns. But is it here to stay? Let’s take a closer look at BYOT and the mark it’s leaving on businesses today.

How businesses are implementing BYOT and touchless tech

Many businesses have already implemented both BYOT and touchless technology. For BYOT, they are encouraging employees to use their own devices, connecting them to the company’s wi-fi network and audio visual conferencing systems.

But companies are taking touchless technology even further. Here are some examples of touchless technology that are streamlining operations:

  • Automatic doors
  • Keyless entry that utilizes magnetic ID badges to open doors and identify employees
  • Touchless payment options for customers to pay using their phones
  • Check-in kiosks that feature thermal cameras for temperature checks that do not require close contact
  • Digital visitor passes and entrance tickets
  • QR codes on AV equipment for on-demand support while only touching your own device

Touchless technology is made possible thanks to advancements in cameras and cloud connectivity.

Benefits of BYOT touchless tech

While BYOT and touchless technology gained popularity by necessity, businesses have noticed they carry valuable benefits.

The benefits of having employees use their own devices include:

  • Lower overhead costs for companies
  • More flexibility for employees to use the devices that work best for their job function
  • Seamless transition when moving between work locations or huddle rooms
  • Less shared equipment means lower risk of spreading illness and better maintenance of social distancing

Additional touchless technology brings even more benefits:

  • More accurately screen for signs of illness without putting staff at risk
  • Better security of entrances
  • More accurate contact tracing information
  • Quicker and more efficient customer or visitor experiences

As touchless technology continues to expand, you’ll likely see even more benefits.

Are BYOT and touchless tech here to stay?

The rapid adoption of BYOT initiatives and touchless technology have signaled a major operational shift in schools and businesses. It’s likely that these are here to stay. Not only are businesses enjoying the benefits of reducing physical touchpoints, but they’re more prepared in the case of a future pandemic.

Even if there is no future pandemic (which is the ideal situation!), it will still help workplaces stay more sanitary and reduce the spread of common illnesses. That, paired with the cost and productivity benefits, make this a win-win change for businesses.

If your organization has not fully embraced BYOT and touchless technology yet, it’s beneficial to get the help of an AV integrator like IVCi who specializes in implementing systems that can accommodate any device — as a bonus, we can also help you with many of your touchless technology needs.

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